Augmented Reality With the Denner app: Find the Right Wine Quickly

Daniela Capaul-Zoppi
Feb 28, 2020

Augmented reality with the Denner app: find the right wine quickly

Find the right wine for your dinner easily and fast – thanks to the new augmented reality feature in the Denner app.

Are you in a Denner store and looking for the perfect wine for a planned dinner with friends?

This is now quick and easy done with the new augmented reality feature of the Denner app:

  • Start the Denner app

  • Click on the photo icon in the wine shop to start the AR feature

  • select the planned menu

  • and then search the Denner wine racks for the most suitable wine.



The AR feature shows the "matching with" values of the wine for the selected menu in colors and numbers. In addition, you can see the rating and learn more details about the wine with another click.

Of course, this also works if you scan wine barcodes from your own wine cellar (provided the wines come from the Denner range).


Following Denner's idea, appculture made the UX/Design and implemented the AR feature.

One of the challenges was to offer the user an optimal user experience. This meant that the information had to be displayed in a matter of seconds, even with poor or no internet connection.

As scanner we used a Scandit scanner with integrated AR overlay.


If you don't have the popular Denner app on your smartphone yet, it's high time you installed it now!


Daniela Capaul-Zoppi

Daniela verfügt über langjährige Marketing- und Führungserfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen. Seit der Einführung intelligenter mobiler Geräte hat sie eine umfassende Expertise im Bereich Mobile Business aufgebaut.