Launch of the “Glutz eAccess” Mobile Apps

Daniela Capaul-Zoppi
Mar 30, 2023

About our client

The Swiss company Glutz has been producing high-quality locks and access control systems for over 150 years. As a leader in the industry, they develop and implement intelligent, elegant, durable security and comfort solutions for access to buildings and objects that set standards in their industry. With “eAccess” clients can configure all products compatible with the software. 

Our Task: Design & Implementation of eAccess Mobile Apps

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Glutz has asked us to develop an iOS and Android native app to complement their "eAccess" product suite. 

This mobile app allows users to quickly and effortlessly open doors anywhere, anytime. 

Once registered, users immediately see all their available doors on the screen. With a button press, doors can be opened, kept open, or closed. Doors often used can be marked as favorites and will appear with priority when the app is opened.  Furthermore, GPS features enable users to quickly access doors within a predefined radius. 

Users can personalize their doors by selecting their preferred color, name, and icon. The app can be used equally in private as well as in a professional setting. New doors can easily be added to an admin panel and are immediately available within the app.

More info here.

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Key Challenges we faced

As individuals from various backgrounds use this app, the main UX goal was to combine a functional, efficient, and intuitive experience with the highest security requirements. 

From a technical perspective, the app had to be easy to maintain and future-proof. Computer Rock worked closely with Glutz to understand their brand values and customers' needs, which informed the design and functionality of the applications.

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Do you need a mobile app to elevate your business? Feel free to contact us here

Daniela Capaul-Zoppi

Daniela verfügt über langjährige Marketing- und Führungserfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen. Seit der Einführung intelligenter mobiler Geräte hat sie eine umfassende Expertise im Bereich Mobile Business aufgebaut.