Tasty Food – Served Digitally by the Intelligent Refrigerator from SV Group

Daniela Capaul-Zoppi
Nov 02, 2020

With a digital refrigerator, the innovative gastronomy and hotel management company SV Group has launched another attractive catering offering for SMEs and large companies.

«Emil Fröhlich» is the name of the IoT refrigerator, which provides active people with fine dishes, salads, desserts, snacks or drinks around the clock.


Easy to use via app

With the Emil Fröhlich app, the guest can browse the menu, which changes weekly. There they can also see the nutritional information of the products.

The app shows the user all the fridges nearby and the products currently available in them.

If you stand in front of a refrigerator, it can be opened conveniently via the app.


Emil UX

After the desired products have been removed, the app automatically debits the purchases using the stored payment method - credit card or Postfinance - and confirms the purchase using a push message.


Algorithm-controlled production planning

Emil Fröhlich’s menu offer is diverse and varied. It serves both guests who like classic dishes with meat, as well as vegetarians and vegans, and also takes care of people with intolerances or allergies. The chef puts together a new, seasonal offer every week.

The backend system, which was specially developed for the project, ensures that sufficient quantities are planned, and the refrigerators are always full. Based on an initially defined quantity planning, an algorithm  ensures that enough menus are planned for each refrigerator and product category in order to cover the local needs.


A service app for «Joe», the fridge filler

«Joe» ensures that the refrigerators are always refilled based on consumption. In reality, of course, Joe is more than just one person, because every refrigerator has to be stocked with fresh products every day.

For this, Joe has an app on hand that makes an inventory of the refrigerator contents in real time and supports him in filling new products. The app also shows him which products that are about to expire must be removed.


Technologies & challenges

A complex application was developed so that products can be checked in and out at Emil Fröhlich, sold to guests and that refrigerator inventories are displayed at any time.

The refrigerator opening is based on secure Bluetooth communication between the app and the refrigerator.

The backend system was specially developed for the project. It manages all refrigerators, users, as well as the menu offer and the algorithm-controlled production planning. It is multi-client capable to enable Emil Fröhlich to expand into other regions.


Our team - consisting of consultants, UX/UI designers, front and backend architects/developers, QA engineers and project managers - has implemented this ambitious project in close cooperation with the SV project team in an agile process.

The biggest challenges included ensuring stability, scalability and the security of the overall system.


We wish all Emil Fröhlich guests «bon appetit» while enjoying the many delicious menus!

Daniela Capaul-Zoppi

Daniela verfügt über langjährige Marketing- und Führungserfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen. Seit der Einführung intelligenter mobiler Geräte hat sie eine umfassende Expertise im Bereich Mobile Business aufgebaut.