20 Min TV Apps

News & Entertainment on the big screen.

Our Main Goal

When we were asked last year to design and implement a smart TV app for 20 Minuten, we were immediately excited. We had experience with TV apps, but specific challenges arise with every project. On the one hand, the TV app had to be designed in the style of 20 Minuten’s very popular web and app CI/CD. On the other hand it had to follow the specific usability requriementes of a smart TV app. It was important to make it as easy as possible for the user to navigate through the extensive content, but at the same time to inspire him to take a look at what else the app has to offer in terms of information and entertainment.
Product & Service Design | User Experience Design | Development
Smart TV App for Samsung TV, Apple TV, Android TV

Dynamic content structure, focus on performance

Various interfaces such as Live TV, NOW!, videos and new advertising formats had to be integrated in such a way that the app also plays on older TV models with high performance and continues to run seamlessly during content changes such as finished live broadcasts.


20 Min TV Apps

Readers and viewers of the popular Swiss news portal 20 Minuten can now enjoy the best live streams and videos also on Samsung Smart TV, Apple TV and Android TV.

The new TV app brings news program NOW!, the popular community series "Mini Gschicht", the entertainment show "News Juice" or livestreams on current topics into your own living room.

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