smart EQ control

Our team mastered a product's full life cycle, from its launch to its retirement. This journey showcased our commitment to strategic foresight and adaptability, setting a new standard for managing technology's lifecycle with grace and efficiency in a rapidly evolving digital world.

Our Main Goal

Facing legacy OEM systems, our team delivered a top-tier UX for a new product, revolutionizing M&S perspectives. We seamlessly merged innovation with legacy, setting a new standard in user-centric design while preparing for an efficient sundown, showcasing adaptability and forward-thinking in tech.

Innovation and UX

In our project, we developed a cutting-edge IoT application for vehicles, focusing on a high-performance backend and adaptive UX, ensuring future-proof interaction. Through rigorous E2E testing of automotive hardware, we enhanced reliability.

Our innovation was showcased globally at press and retailer events, highlighting the product's advanced features and user-centric design.

LCM and Sundown Support

Implemented LCM & sundown support, focusing on M&S operations, security, and QA process adaptation within OEMs. Addressed changes in 3rd party SaaS for payments, maps, and charging infrastructure, ensuring seamless integration and continuous improvement.


smart EQ control

In the rapidly evolving electric vehicle (EV) sector, our team spearheaded the innovation of a new product category, setting a high bar for industry standards. Over seven years, we excelled in operating and maintenance (O&M), alongside providing exemplary customer support across more than 10 markets. This holistic approach ensured not just the launch but the sustained success of our EVs, even as we planned for a strategic sun down.

Our journey illustrates the power of foresight in product lifecycle management, showcasing our commitment to both innovation and consumer satisfaction in the green revolution.

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